I am everything and nobody.
I am order and chaos.
I am human and divine.
I am heaven and earth.
I am the one who sows and demands growth.
But above all, I am a Human through whose Heart flows the Ocean of Love.
💫 💫 💫
And now more down to earth:
I am a Star Traveler who came to Earth to experience – what it is like to be a human being with an open Heart and in simultaneous connection with the Divine.
I tell about my experiences, stages of development and my experiences pave the way and make it easier for others to stay on Earth and fulfill their mission.
After having children, I gave up my corporate job, which had previously been my top dream, and began a journey into knowing Who I Am at the Source of Myself and All of Us.
I have become a companion in change as a Transformer, Coach, Entrepreneur, Mentor and Channeler. And today I see myself as the one who co-prepares Man and the Earthly World for the New Earth.
You are invited to a group Activation of Elohim Grounding.
I create and work with one intention: For my highest good, for your highest good, and for the highest good of us all.
And I like to ask the Universe for surprises 😀
For more about me and my co-creation of the New Earth, visit my website: https://rozmowyzwszechswiatem.pl/
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If you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns, contact your doctor or therapist.